Our English Birdland's D-litter is born on 23th of March 2022. Nora has given birth to 2 males and 3 females.
dam: Nora de Torfou
* born 04/03/2017
* hip score: normal (B)
* parents: Hoover du Val du Ruth – Nana de Coriam
* Field tests: German Youth test, Special hunting approval (HN)
* Exposition results: Very Good
sire: Napo de Coriam
* born 12/07/2014
* hip score: normal (B)
* parents: Natan - Hot Love de Coriam
* Titels: Trialer Grande Quête
* Expositon results: Champion de Beauté (Ch.IB)
First/second week
Five healthy puppies, all strong and fit after an uncomplicated birth - we are simply happy! Nora has instinctively settled into her role as a multiple mother and takes care of her offspring in a careful and protective manner. Concerning the colourr, NAPO, their father, has inherited dominantly: all puppies are blue-belton. One bitch has slightly more black body plates, all others are completely white with a single black plate on the ears and/or head area. The dwarves develop perfectly and gain a lot of weight every day.
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3rd week
Rarely a litter has been as easy to care for as this one. Nora is a model mom! Milk is flowing, the puppies are well fed and in top condition; everything is cleaned immediately and constantly. Their eyes are open and now the little English Setters are becoming more and more agile and start playing. The first worm treatment is done without any complications and soon we will start supplementary feeding. At the same time, preparations are underway for moving in the outdoor dogyard as the puppies will soon need more space and opportunities to explore.
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8th week
Now the puppies are 8 weeks old - "time to say goodbye". On the one hand, for sure it's sad to let them go, on the other hand, it is now time for individual support and intense hunting work with their new owners. We have tried to give the puppies as many positive impressions as possible so that they can develop into passionate, powerful hunting dogs. All the best and see you soon in the field!
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Puppies in detail with names: